Are You A Real Estate Agent That Knows How To Adapt? Answer These 10 Questions To Find Out
Scoring: For questions 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10:
- 1 point for “Rarely” or “Not at all comfortable” answers
- 2 points for “Occasionally” or “Somewhat comfortable” answers
- 3 points for “Frequently” or “Very comfortable” answers
- 4 points for “Always” or “Extremely comfortable” answers
For question 3:
- 4 points for “Proactively address the challenge head-on” answer
- 3 points for “Stay calm and brainstorm potential solutions” answer
- 2 points for “Seek guidance from others” answer
- 1 point for “Panic and become overwhelmed” answer
Total possible score: 40 points
30-40 points: Highly adaptable
20-29 points: Moderately adaptable
10-19 points: Somewhat adaptable 0-9 points: Not very adaptable